This is all about Love.
A beautiful book of short stories and teachings created to excite and invite exploration in connection.
GASP is a collection of intimate stories and art. It is as alluring in its elegance, as it is in its explosiveness. It will excite you, it will teach you new tricks, it will invite your imagination to run wild.

The writers are male, female, transgender, straight, gay, bi, pan, married, single, monogamous, open, one night, many nights, all ages and stages….
The writers are anonymous.
Anonymous is important because this allowed each the opportunity to be completely naked, express their deepest truth as though writing private diary entries so honest they surprised themselves.
The diversity is also incredibly important - In our world we need to reduce division.. Reading about intimacy forges connection. We see similarity rather than difference.
Within the book there will also be tantric teachings to further extend the vocabulary of possibility. Each expresses a different method to improve your relationship with yourself, with love and deepen your capacity to experience pleasure within it.

Each writer was asked to tell a story of a sexual experience that was so good it is tattooed on their soul.
Sex that moved them, changed them, grew them.
You have full permission to peek through the window, walk in the door, pull up a chair, stare, and FEEL.
In our world now, the dominant expression of sexuality is disconnected, anonymous and porn-ish. Because it is constantly what we see, read and hear about it has become the go-to in real life. Definitely one way to get to orgasm, but not the only , or most pleasurable way.
GASP is inviting you to explore your turn-on and open your mind, heart and sex to deeper more connected adventurous spaces. Connected sex is a deepening; a brave, wild, powerful way to interact with another – for a night or for a lifetime.
And in doing so you will watch yourself ignite, expand and heal.
You will want to put it on your coffee table, but it is for your bedside table.
GASP is a full sensory experience. The cover feels like suede, the pages feel like silk, everything has been designed and created for your pleasure.
There are 40 stories, 60 images and 7 teachings over 190 pages.

GASP has been written to create more love in the world,
by making more love in the world.
GASP has been created for anybody over the age of 18 that would love to know more about loving.
GASP is going to be the most important book you have ever devoured. You won’t want to put it down.… and once you do, you will want to return to it as soon as possible.
Prepare yourself, GASP is beautifully filthy.